Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals (Citizens of India as defined in the Constitution of India or under any law made by the Parliament to regulate the rights of citizenship) who fulfil the Essential Qualifications and other eligibility conditions for filling up 05 (Five) anticipated vacancies in posts of Deputy Counsel, purely on contractual basis, at the Delhi International Arbitration Centre, S-Block, High Court of Delhi.
The last date for filling online application form is 31.10.2024 by 5.00 PM. The qualifications, eligibility conditions and other requirement/ details are as under :
A. Qualifications for Deputy Counsel:
a) Essential : A person enrolled as an Advocate under the Advocates Act, 1961 with any State Bar Council and having 3 (three) years post qualification experience as on 01.09.2024.
b) Desirable : (i) Diploma or Post Graduation/ LL.M in Arbitration Law / Commercial Law/ Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR);
(ii) Five years of experience at the bar; and
(iii) Research and analytical skills, writing ability and good knowledge of computer, including retrieval of desired information from various legal search engines/processes such as Manupatra, SCC Online, Westlaw, etc.
B. Age limit :
Applicant should not be above 30 years of age as on 01.09.2024.
C. Remuneration :
Consolidated gross amount of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh only) per month.
D. Number of Vacancies :
05 (Five). [Subject to upward revision.]
E. Terms and Nature of Engagement:
a) The Deputy Counsel shall be engaged purely on short term contractual basis initially for a period of six months, extendable upto three years.
b) The Deputy Counsel may be prematurely discharged without any notice irrespective of the term of his/her contract.
c) The Deputy Counsel intending to prematurely leave the engagement shall be required to give at least one month’s prior notice in writing to the Coordinator.
F. Application and Selection Process:
a) Applications shall be received only online in the prescribed format given in the link herein (in case of a technical issue kindly copy the hyperlink and paste it into the browser) as per the schedule of dates given.
b) Subject to fulfilling the Essential Qualifications/Conditions as prescribed under this advertisement, selection will be based upon the curriculum vitae and interview. Schedule of the interview will be notified on the website of DIAC i.e.
G. Grounds for Disqualification:
a) Candidate must not be engaged or appointed elsewhere on honorarium/ payment/voluntary basis.
b) Candidate must not have been involved in any criminal case, whether pending or convicted, for an offence involving moral turpitude.
c) Candidate must not be facing any disciplinary proceeding before the Bar Council of India, Bar Council of the State or any other authority.
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H. Code of Conduct during and after the term of engagement:
a) The Deputy Counsel shall maintain absolute devotion to duty and a high standard of morals during the term of engagement. The Deputy Counsel shall maintain the highest standard of integrity commensurate with the responsibilities entrusted to him/her. The Deputy Counsel shall maintain utmost secrecy in respect of matters which come to his/her notice by virtue of his/her engagement, and shall ensure that no information, document or any other thing is disclosed, parted or disseminated with others, in any manner.
The Deputy Counsel shall not disclose any fact which comes to his/her knowledge on account of such official attachment, even after completion of the term of engagement, unless such disclosure is legally required in discharge of lawful duties.
b) The Deputy Counsel shall not accept any other assignment during the term of engagement as Deputy Counsel. The Deputy Counsel shall not practise as an Advocate in any Court of Law or Tribunal or before any other authority during the course of his/her engagement as Deputy Counsel.
c) The Deputy Counsel shall follow the dress code as provided under Chapter IV of Part VI of the Bar Council of India Rules.
d) The Deputy Counsel shall also abide by the DIAC Rules.
I. General Instructions:
a) Candidates applying for the above post must ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility conditions.
b) Incomplete, unsigned applications and applications received after due date, shall be rejected summarily without notice and no inquiry in that regard will be entertained.
c) If, on verification, at any stage, before or after interview, it is found that any candidate does not fulfil any of the eligibility condition(s), or the information furnished by the candidate(s) is found incorrect, his/her candidature for the above posts will be cancelled without any notice or further reference.
d) No TA/DA will be payable to the candidates for appearing in the interview.
e) The above engagement though purely contractual in nature is a full time job. It would not confer any right of permanent employment at DIAC.
f) The candidate, while applying, should bear in mind that he/ she will be required to work even at odd hours and on holidays, if so required.
J. Declaration/Undertaking:
Prior to appointment, the selected candidate shall be required to execute a contract with DIAC and submit a declaration to the effect that:
a) He or she fulfils the eligibility conditions under this advertisement;
b) Shall abide by the Rule 7 and 8 of the Part-III of the Delhi International Arbitration Centre (Internal Management) Rules, 2012 (as updated on 01.07.2018), available on the website of DIAC i.e., “”
c) In case he/she has any conflict of interest with any of the matter/case being dealt with or assigned to him/her at DIAC, he/she shall duly disclose the same in writing immediately upon gaining knowledge of such fact; and d) That his/her conduct during engagement as Deputy Counsel in DIAC shall be fair and impartial in performance of his/her duties.
Good luck!
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By Parishkriti Atri
Parishkriti is a legal recruiter and a career coach. In her free time, she loves napping and gorging on chinese food.
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