LinkedIn for Jobseekers

Do you want to secure a job offer before the next financial year?
Parishkriti and Rahul Sharma have the answer to your concerns.
Approximately three people get hired via LinkedIn every minute. Neeti Shastra has personally helped thousands get interview offers!
So are you sure you are using this platform to its full potential?
Here is what that will look like:
– Interview offers from your dream organizations
– A salary hike that matches your expectations
– A community of like-minded professionals with the same interests
– 100X improvement in response rates
– Increase in profile views and recruiter messages
and much more!


 If you are already not achieving all this, you are doing something wrong.
That is why, here are some things that we will be discussing in detail –

1. Using the LinkedIn search feature to find new firms/organizations
2. Becoming more visible to enable recruiters to reach out to you
3. What recruiters see in the back end of LinkedIn when looking for qualified candidates
4. Optimizing your LinkedIn profile
5. How to ask for a job reference and job search hacks
6. Leveraging LinkedIn for interview preparation and research
7. Marketing and social media tactics to draw more traffic to your LinkedIn profile
8. Effective networking beyond hi/hellos
9. Researching and finding new opportunities

And if all that was not enough, we are offering some super exciting freebies!
– FREE LinkedIn premium for 2 months to accelerate your legal career – be it finding a job, getting more clients, or building your name, to the first 15 registrations!  [Worth Rs 3,136] *.
– Message templates and scripts to reach out to literally anybody you want. (If you have ever wondered what to message people, this is it)  [Worth Rs 5,200].
– A video-recorded review with our suggestions for improvement of your LinkedIn profile for the first 10 people who register. [Worth Rs 1,800]
– Checklist on optimizing your LinkedIn profile. A step-by-step guide that will make the entire process super easy. (Even for future use!) [Worth Rs 1,500].
– FREE (and detailed) mentorship opportunity to one selected professional. [Worth Rs 2,300].
Rs 13,936
Rs 999 
Check out some of the reviews we have received in the past for our LinkedIn expertise: 

More information:
Date: 17th December, 2023
Time: 6 PM – 8 PM

Details: This is a live workshop, and no recordings will be shared. The payment is non refundable.


If you have any questions about the workshop please email us at


* If the recipient already has a Premium subscription, or has used a free trial within the past 12 months, LinkedIn won’t consider them eligible to claim the free trial. LinkedIn’s terms apply.

By Parishkriti Atri

Parishkriti is a lawyer and an entrepreneur who loves creating content. In her free time, she loves napping and gorging on chinese food.

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