Online applications are invited in prescribed format from eligible candidates for empanelment as Legal Services Advocates on the Special Panel of CBI Courts in Central-II District Legal Services Authority, Rouse Avenue Courts for providing Legal Services in the CBI Courts as per requirements mentioned below:
Please read following instructions carefully before mailing the application
A. Number of Vacancies in this Panel are 7 (Seven).
B. Online Application Form is available on the website
C. Applications shall be filled online only. Hard copy of the application will not be entertained.
D. Advocates already empanelled in any District or State Authority may apply, but in case of selection he/she shall choose one panel within one month of notification of result.
E. Only those candidates who fulfil the eligibility criteria shall apply for empanelment.
F. Please mention your contact number and e-mail address properly for any official communication.
G. Candidate must fill all the required particulars in the application form else the application would be rejected.
H. Applications shall be accepted from 14.10.2024 to 28.10.2024 till 5:00 P.M, application filed thereafter shall not be entertained.
I. In case, the applicant does not get a confirmation e-mail regarding successful submission of application form within 48 hours, he/she may contact on .
Candidates who possess the following eligibility and experience should only apply for empanelment with the abovementioned District Legal Services Authority (DLSA):-
❖ Applicant must have an experience of five (05) years at Bar as on 28.10.2024 for conducting criminal cases.
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1. No candidate will be called for interview unless he/she satisfies the eligibility conditions, after the scrutiny of the Application forms.
2. Merely fulfilling the eligibility criteria will not confer any right on a candidate to be called for interview or selection.
3. Depending upon applications received and requirement of DLSAs, Authority reserves the right to short list the candidates to be called for the Interview.
4. Shortlisted candidates will be informed through e-mail/SMS/telephone about the date, time and venue of interview.
5. Candidate shall bring with them all the original documents at the time of interview.
6. Interview Board will take into consideration that the candidate who shall be appearing in the interview for empanelment as Legal Services Advocate shall be assessed on criteria like personality/ eligibility, legal knowledge/ legal aptitude, commitment/ spirit to work in the field of legal aid, regularity/ availability in the said Court Complex.
7. The empanelment result will be displayed on the website of DSLSA
8. An approved protocol will be adopted while selecting Advocates in the event of tie of two or more Advocates having scored same marks in interview during empanelment viz. Firstly the Seniority of Advocate on the basis of their date of registration with Bar Council. In case the date of registration is same then the person elder in age will be preferred. Lastly,
in case the date of birth is also same then the selection will be done through draw of lots.
More details available at
Good luck!
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By Parishkriti Atri
Parishkriti is a legal recruiter and a career coach. In her free time, she loves napping and gorging on chinese food.
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