Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up of 30 vacancies of Research Law Assistant to the Hon’ble Judges, High Court, Madras (both in the Principal Seat at Madras and at Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court, Madurai), on adhoc basis, for a period of one year.
Before filling up the Application Form the candidates are requested to go through the Guidelines for appointment of Research Law Assistant to the Hon’ble Judges in the official website of the Madras High Court & Recruitment portal of Madras High Court (viz., www.hcmadras.tn.gov.in & www.mhc.tn.gov.in/recruitment/login) and satisfy himself / herself that he/she is eligible in all respects for the post.
Eligibility criteria
The Candidate must not have attained the age of 30 years as on the Is1 of January or July, that precedes the last date fixed for submission of applications. He/She must be a citizen ofIndia.
The Candidate should be a Graduate in Law (under 10+2+3+3, 10+2+5, 10+2+4+3 or any other recognized pattern at the decision of the committee) from recognized Universities in the Indian Union, and should be recognized by the Bar Council of India for admission as an Advocate or Attorney of an Indian Court.
Only candidates who have passed all their Examinations within the duration of their Course are eligible to apply.
Only candidates who have obtained their Law Degree not earlier than five years as on the date of Notification, are eligible to apply for the assignment ofResearch Law Assistant.
Candidates pursuing a Post-Graduate Degree in Law, or any other Degrees or Programmes requiring their compulsory attendance elsewhere, are not eligible to apply for the assignment of Research Law Assistant.
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Place of posting
Selected Candidates will be posted either in the Principal Seat at Madras or at Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court, Madurai and are also liable to be transferred vice versa in case of administrative exigencies.
Nature of work
The assignment as a Research Law Assistant is on a full-time basis. Research Law Assistants are expected to assist their Hon’ble Judges not only in Judicial work, but in Administrative work as well. The duties and responsibilities of a Law Clerk will include:
- Preparing brief summaries of fresh admission matters;
- Preparing synopsis of regular hearing matters;
- Sitting in Court during the hearing of regular matters, and noting down all the arguments;
- Carrying out research work;
- Assisting the Judge in preparing speeches and academic papers;
- Preparing headnotes of the judgments authored by the Judges, if required; and
- Performing any other work as directed by the Judge.
In addition, a Law Clerk attached with the Registry shall undertake tasks as directed by the supervising authority.
The duly filled-in applications should be submitted through Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due and superscribed on the envelope as “Application for the post of Research Law Assistant to the Hon’ble Judges”, and addressed to The Registrar General, High Court, Madras-600 104, on or before 22.11.2024.
The filled in Application Form (Soft copy) should also be sent through e-mail at mhclawclerkrec@gmail.com on or before 22.11.2024.
Candidates should submit their application by two means, viz. through e-mail on or before 22.11.2024 and through post on or, before 22.11.2024.
Omission of any one method will lead to rejection of application.
Official notification: https://neetishastra.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Notification-No.271-of-2024.pdf
Good luck!
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By Parishkriti Atri
Parishkriti is a legal recruiter and a career coach. In her free time, she loves napping and gorging on chinese food.
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