Hiring Staff Consultants in Legal Division of CERC

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Our Founders at Neeti Shastra, who are experienced career coaches and legal recruiters, have compiled these latest vacancies, exclusively for lawyers and law students. Apply today and secure your next role!

The Electricity Act, 2003 has significantly enlarged the spectrum of responsibility of CERC. Under the ERC Act, 1998 only the tariff fixation powers were vested in CERC.

The Electricity Act, 2003 has entrusted on the CERC several other responsibilities in addition to the tariff fixation powers, for instance, the powers to grant licence for inter-State transmission, inter-State trading and consequently to amend, suspend and revoke the licence, the powers to regulate the licensees by setting performance standards and ensuring their compliance, etc.

In the course of discharging the above statutory functions, the activities presently handled by the Legal Wing involve inter alia drafting of orders, framing of regulations, record of proceedings of the oral hearings of Commission, replies / affidavits, attending hearings of external court cases, assisting the Commission in discharge of its proceedings as per the Conduct of Business regulations etc., and defending /monitoring the cases in the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity, High Courts and the Supreme Court where the Commission is party.

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission has, therefore, felt the need for engaging Senior Research Officer (Law), Research Officer (Law) and Research Associate (Law) in accordance with the CERC (Appointment of Consultants) (Amendment) Regulation, 2010 as amended from time to time. The Senior Research Officer/Research Officers/Research Associates proposed to be engaged by the Commission would assist and augment the work of Legal Wing of the Commission in discharge of its multifarious functions.

Scope of work for Staff Consultants:

The duties of the Senior Research Officer/Research Officer/ Research Associate of Legal wing of CERC shall mainly include as under:

  • Scrutiny of petitions, preparation of deficiency statements for compliance by stakeholders. Examination of the legal issues raised in petitions and registration of the petitions in accordance with the check list;
  • Preparation of fact sheet of the cases, preparation of inputs on legal issues raised in petitions, coordination with various divisions on the information required, up-dation of files in RIMS/e-office, preparation of MIS reports;
  • Attending court hearings, assisting in the preparation of draft Record of proceedings (ROPs) and Orders;
  • Undertake research of issues raised in petition with relevant case laws. Proper maintenance of files and linking of relevant documents in files;
  • Drafting of writ petitions/replies/rejoinders/applications/written submissions etc., for filing before the Supreme Court/High Courts/APTEL and other forums
  • Other works as may be assigned from time to time

3,000+ lawyers and law students have secured their dream jobs and internships with our guidance. Schedule a call with us today and kickstart your career!

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Qualification and experience required for Staff Consultants:

1) Post: Senior Research Officer (Law)
Consolidated Professional Fee: Rs. 94,000 to 11,25,000 per month (depending on qualifications and experiences)
2) Post: Research Officer (Law)
Consolidated Professional Fee: Rs. 64,000 to Rs. 1,10,000/-per month (depending on qualifications and experiences)
3) Post: Research Officer (Law)
Consolidated Professional Fee: Rs. 64,000 to Rs. 85,000/-per month (depending on qualifications and experiences)
Interested and eligible candidates may kindly send their applications, in the prescribed format to the Deputy Chief (Admin), 8th Floor, Tower-B, World Trade Centre, Nauroji Nagar, New Delhi 110029 by 7th March, 2025 by 5.00 PM

Good luck!



Are you a lawyer or a law student looking to get hired?

Talk to expert legal recruiters and career coaches. Contact our team at teamneetishastra@gmail.com or founders@neetishastra.co.in

Note: The opportunities posted on our website are publicly shared opportunities across social media platforms and/or sent to Neeti Shastra for a free listing. Please apply directly to the mail ID/number mentioned and address any questions only to the concerned recruiter and not Neeti Shastra. You are requested to conduct your due diligence before applying to any opportunity. Neeti Shastra will not be liable for any discrepancies arising out of such postings.
By Parishkriti Atri

Parishkriti is a legal recruiter and a career coach. In her free time, she loves napping and gorging on chinese food.

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