Hiring an Associate (Legal) in the MoEF&CC | Apply by 21st Feb

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Our Founders at Neeti Shastra, who are experienced career coaches and legal recruiters, have compiled these latest vacancies, exclusively for lawyers and law students. Apply today and secure your next role!

Advertisement for engagement of one Associate (Legal)-A on contract basis in Regional Office, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Bays No. 24-25, Sector-31A, Chandigarh160030

It is proposed to engage one Associate (Legal)-A on contract basis in Regional Office, Chandigarh. The details of eligibility and other requirements may be seen in detailed advertisement uploaded in Ministry website (moef.gov.in).
Application form from eligible candidates complete in all respects shall be sent to this office in hard copy, on or before 21st February, 2025 (Friday), upto 5.00 pm.
The address for sending application form is: Deputy Director General of Forests (C), Regional Office, MoEF&CC, Bays No. 24-25, Sector-31 A, Chandigarh-160030.
The envelope shall be superscripted on the top “Application form for the post of Associate (Legal)-A, Regional Office, MoEF&CC, Chandigarh”.
The application form received after the due date shall be summarily returned back/rejected.
The qualification, experience, and remuneration of Associates (Legal) are as under- 
Post: Associate (Legal) -A
Essential: Bachelor’s Degree in Law (LLB) or equivalent from a recognized University and/or Institute in India, recognized by the Bar Council of India and having experience of more than one (1) year and upto two (2) years. Enrolled as an Advocate with the Bar Council of India or any State Bar Council, under the provisions of The Advocates Act, 1961.
(i) experience of handling cases related to environment, forests, biodiversity and wildlife etc. in a Government of India or State Government Department/Board;
(ii) possessing a Diploma/Certificate of specialization in related subjects/fields from a recognized University /Institution.
Remuneration per month (INR): Rs. 40,000.00 (Forty Thousand only)

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2. Period of engagement:
The initial tenure of engagement for a person as Associate (Legal) would be upto a period of three years (1+1+1) subject to satisfactory performance and contribution of the professional in the RO/Sub-Office concerned being highly useful. Continuation of the Associates (Legal) beyond three years will be considered based on assessment of performance and contribution to the RO/SubOffice, on case to case basis with the approval of Secretary, MoEFACC in the Ministry.
The maximum tenure of a person as Associate (Legal) would be up to five years and continuation of the Associate (Legal) beyond three years for up to additional two years will be considered on case to case basis, with the approval of Secretary, MOEF&CC in the Ministry.
As the posts are temporary in nature and purely contractual, in no case any request for promotion by an Associate (legal) shall be entertained.
3. Age Limit:
The maximum age limit for engagement of Associates (Legal) shall be 50 years.

Good luck!



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Note: The opportunities posted on our website are publicly shared opportunities across social media platforms and/or sent to Neeti Shastra for a free listing. Please apply directly to the mail ID/number mentioned and address any questions only to the concerned recruiter and not Neeti Shastra. You are requested to conduct your due diligence before applying to any opportunity. Neeti Shastra will not be liable for any discrepancies arising out of such postings.
By Parishkriti Atri

Parishkriti is a legal recruiter and a career coach. In her free time, she loves napping and gorging on chinese food.

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