At the State Level, a Registered Society named West Bengal State NGRBA Program Management Group (WBSPMG) being the State Mission for Clean Ganga (SMCG) has been working under the Urban Development & Municipal Affairs Department, Govt. of West Bengal to Co-ordinate and implement Schemes on Conservation, Comprehensive Management & Abatement of Pollution of River Ganga in West Bengal.Â
For facilitating the smooth functioning of the State Mission for Clean Ganga (SMCG), West Bengal State NGRBA Program Management Group (WBSPMG) has taken a decision to make appointment of a skilled personnel in the post of the Junior Law Officer to advise the SMCG (WBSPMG) on the legal issues particularly with respect to the Court Cases where the State Govt. is to contest/ defend before the Hon’ble NGT and to fill up the said post, applications are hereby invited from the bonafide, experienced persons having knowledge of Court Cases related to HNGT for appointment on Contractual basis on consolidated Monthly Remuneration initially for a period of 1 (one) year but extendable for further period subject to satisfactory performance.Â
The service is terminable by giving 1 (one) month’s notice from either side or in lieu of remuneration for the period.Â
Details of qualification, eligibility criteria, remuneration, age and other Terms Conditions for engagement are furnished below:Â
1. SCALE OF PAY: A consolidated pay of Rs. 40,000/- in the Pay Range of Rs. 40,000/- to Rs. 70,000/- [Pay Range 4]Â
2. VACANCY: 1 (one)Â
a. Essential:Â
i) A citizen of India or such a person of other nationality as declared eligible by the Government of India;Â
ii) A degree in Law from a recognized University.Â
iii) A minimum 5 (five) years’ continuous practice as a Lawyer on the date of application and must be an Advocate.Â
iv) The certificate of continuous practice as a Lawyer should be issued by competent authority of the Bar Association or from the District Judge or from the Presiding Officer of the Court in which the candidate practised as to his/her practice as a Lawyer, mentioning clearly the nature of duties performed and the duration of the experience obtained.Â
b. Desirable: Having special knowledge in environmental laws, environmental guidelines, CPCB guidelines, objectives of National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG), qualitative and quantitative output, water quality related issues, good computer knowledge with latest versionÂ
4. AGE: Not less than 30 years and not more than 35 years on 01.07.2024. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC and ST candidates of West Bengal, by 3 years for BC candidates of West Bengal and Persons with Disabilities having physical disability of 40% and above as per applicable Govt. Rules.Â
5. DURATION OF THE ENGAGEMENT -The initial term of appointment shall be for a period of one year from the date of engagement and subsequent extensions) if any, shall be decided on case-to-case basis depending upon requirement and performance. The appointment of Professional would be on Full-time basis and he/she would not be permitted to take up any other assignment during the period of Engagement with the State Program Management Group (SPMG).Â
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6. TERMINATION OF ENGAGEMENT- State Program Management Group (SPMG) can cancel the appointment of a Junior Law Officer at any time, for the non-satisfactory performance of his/her duties. However, in the normal course, one month’s notice will be provided before termination of his/ her engagement. The Junior Law Officer can also seek for termination of the Contract upon giving one month’s notice to the State Program Management Group (SPMG).Â
7. APPLICATION & SELECTION – Submission of application with CV (Annexure – A) as per the advertisement of the State Program Management Group (SPMG) can be sent through Speed Post only. All applications received will be short listed based on requisite eligibility criteria and the short-listed candidates will be called for Personal Interview on a specified date.Â
Interested candidates may apply by submitting their details through Speed Post as per the eligibility criteria within 09/09/2024 upto 5:30 P.M. to the Program Director, West Bengal State NGRBA Program Management Group (WBSPMG).
Official notification: https://neetishastra.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/WBSPMG-junior-law-officer-Notice-2024.pdf
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By Parishkriti Atri
Parishkriti is a legal recruiter and a career coach. In her free time, she loves napping and gorging on chinese food.
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